Worship and Music at PCPC
PCPC offers several options for worship.
On Sunday mornings, traditional services are held in the Sanctuary at 8:30 am and 11:00 am. Hymns are led by the choir and selected from The Presbyterian Hymnal.
There is a contemporary worship service called The Connection held in the multipurpose room in Covenant Hall at 9:00 am. The service offers a relaxed environment with a message by one of the pastors and music provided by the Praise Band.
A 30-minute Vespers worship service is also offered on Sunday evenings at 6:00 pm with communion.
MUSIC: The music program of PCPC is an integral part of our worship. Those in choirs have the opportunity to lead the congregation in hymns and to present inspiring music.
For children: Music and Movement (birth-3 years old), the Joyful Noise Choir (PreK4-1st grade), and the Junior Choir (2nd grade and up).
For adults: The Chancel Choir is the adult choir for PCPC and all are welcome to join.
Handbell Choirs: The Trinity Handbell Choir (adults), Junior Handbells (9-11 year olds).
Praise Band: This talented group leads the worship music for our Connection service.
GODLY PLAY DURING WORSHIP: 3K thru first graders can attend Godly Play following “Time with the Children.” This program explores both the stories from the Bible and the language of worship and seasons of the church year.
CHURCH NURSERY: PCPC provides care for infants and toddlers under 3 years of age. You are invited to come by any Sunday morning to visit the nursery and meet the staff.