Responding to God’s Generosity

As Christians, we know that all that is good in our lives is a gift from God. Each new day, each smile shared with family and friends, even each breath, are all gifts from God. God’s steadfast love and provision are evident in our lives. God calls us to bless others and to share our blessings. One way we can do that is by supporting the church. Giving is an act of faith, an expression of gratefulness, and a spiritual discipline. Your financial commitment ensures that children and youth are nurtured, adults grow in faith through discipleship and relationships with one another, older adults are upheld and cared for, God’s name is praised through song and worship, the poor are given food, and the homeless receive shelter.  All of that—and so much more—is made possible through our giving to the church.

Pledge Online

We encourage our members to make an annual pledge to the church which will help us budget for the coming year.

Give Online

Secure system for credit card, debit card, or ACH payments for one time or recurring transactions.

Gifts to the church can be made in one of the following ways year round

By ACH, debit or credit card online – can be scheduled for one time or recurring & designated for special offerings. This information is processed through an electronic gateway service that employs encryption and other security methods to protect your financial information. However, please note that the church must pay a small processing fee to receive your contribution in this way. 

Mail or drop off your check in person at the church office:
Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church, 3501 W San Jose Street, Tampa, Florida 33629. Some members find it convenient to write a check to the church monthly, as they do for monthly bills and household expenses. Payments using an online bill paying service should be sent to this address as well. Please make checks payable to PCPC with any special designation in the memo line.

On Sundays you may place a check or cash in the offering plate
Use the envelopes found in the pew racks, or request a year’s supply of giving envelopes from the Finance Office. As part of our worship services, we receive these gifts by passing an offering plate along the pews. Please make checks payable to PCPC with any special designation in the memo line.

You can text to give to PCPC at 833-225-9311
Text GIVE to the phone number above, followed by the amount and keyword. For example, GIVE 50 GF24 (spaces are required between each part) would be a donation of $50 to PCPC's general fund for 2024. You can even use this option to pay for Wednesday Night Dinners, text GIVE [$amount] WND.

Planned Giving
If you would like to include Palma Ceia Presbyterian Church in your estate planning please view this brochure for more information or contact Rev. John DeBevoise about being a member of our Covenant Circle.

Donations of Stock are gladly accepted as gifts to the church
When initiating a stock transfer, please first notify the Finance Office. You will then be provided with the necessary information to finalize your gift. Notifying the Finance Office is the best way for the church to know of your stock contribution.

Special Pentecost Offering: Collecting May 12, 2024 - June 16, 2024
PCPC‘s Pentecost Offering 2024 will support Tampa Urban Young Life‘s mission to introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ, helping them grow in faith and working to eradicate generational poverty.

The offering specifically will help to keep in place their mentoring staff and provide summer Christian camp scholarships.

Please make checks payable to PCPC with any special designation in the memo line.

Note about the ‘Login’ button on this webpage:  Use the 'Login' button to register for access to your giving profile (where you can save a preferred method of giving or download a statement).  Click 'Login' then 'Register' and enter your email address.  You'll get an email to set a password if we can match your email to an existing profile.  If you don't get access within one business day, please contact Susan Frost, Executive Assistant, at to assist you.  (Note:  You don't need to register with the system to make a one-time donation.)